Tuesday 7 May 2013

Developments In Technology

Film Editing 
Film editing is similar to analogue editing but not as blunt, the film editor will work with raw film to create a sequence they want. The shots are captured via film where as now the film is captured instantly on disks and other easy ways to transport footage such as USB or memory cards.

Digital Editing 
Digital editing is the current and most up-to date way to edit film, it is extremely easy in comparison to analogue & film editing. The footage is uploaded to a computer and edited using software that allows you to edit and take apart your footage very easily and add computer generated effects and editing that you wouldn't be able to add otherwise.

Analogue Editing
Before digital editing was widely available and introduced to film editors, editors would of had to edit the film via analogue. It is quite simply editing the film physically, you have your film roll and you manually splice (a splicer is a sharp tool used for cutting film roll) and cut up the film and edit out the parts of the film you didn't want, you then glue the parts together that you do want to create your finished product. It made editing a lot more strenuous and annoying as it was a lot more time consuming than simply pressing delete.

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